Arrogant taxi driver,inefficient bocap, etc

>> Monday, August 23, 2010

Rudy Garcia

What went wrong for a bus to crash into a deep ravine along Naguillian road in Banangan Sablan, Benguet? Is it mechanical failure or a human error? Perhaps investigators could find some leads among the few passengers who survived.

It is a wonder why such an incident happened in broad daylight and good weather morning of August 18. Or could it be true that the said bus enroute to Ilocos from Baguio happened to meet a speeding car that nearly caused a collision if not for the driver of the mini bus who avoided the car which caused him to lose control of the steering wheel?

Same source also told me that when the passengers sensed that the vehicle was already running out of control they shouted in panic telling the driver to stop the vehicle.

I had so many experiences in the past when I nearly had accidents because of speeding vehicles on highways. Some drivers are reckless in driving they overtake others even encroaching the other lane unmindful of the safety of others.

Perhaps the reason of this attitude by some drivers is the low punishment given to them by our authorities. Imagine these drivers only being given a seminar for a day or two as penalty for their violation? Holy cow! Another thing to note is that national highways like Naguillian Road don’t have highway patrol personnel to monitor the whole stretch of the road. Not even a single checkpoint!
The police inspector in Tondo, Manila who tortured a suspect inside a police precinct deserves to suffer the pain he did to the poor chap and if it is true that there were more willing to surface claiming they were also victims of this cop, then the pain equivalent to what these people had endured should also be done to this stupid police inspector.

Surely, most if not everyone would agree that his relief or plain dismissal is not enough punishment for his barbaric acts. His men who tolerated the act should also be punished. This is now the break for the new Commission on Human Rights chair Etta Rosales. There should be no sacred cows in her investigation, period!
The driver of the Abanza Taxi with plate no. AVR 416 deserves a whipping on the ass because of his recklessness and arrogance. According to my bubwit the complainant, a certain Dennis Chuahi, told him that he (Mr. Chuahi) was driving their family private vehicle , a Toyota corolla with plate no. UPK-195 when the driver of Abanza Taxi tried to overtake him along the road between the Sunshine Park UP and SM.

Chuahi accordingly did not give way knowing it is not an “emergency” for him to do so. Besides, he was driving at normal speed, and this could have earned the ire of the taxi driver, the reason perhaps that when they both reached Harrison Road, besides the SSS office in Baguio, the driver blocked the Toyota Corolla Chuahi was driving and immediately with a lead pipe in hand alighted from the taxi and challenged Chuahi to a fight.

However, Chuahi did not react but just ignored the arrogant taxi driver. Well, perhaps this incident is again a wake up call to the land transportation office in Bgauio City and the LTFRB-DOTC-CAR! This driver deserves punishment to the fullest!
Is it true that the barangay officer-in charge of Kagitingan, Acsanie Datu-Imam is doing nothing to stop those Muslims selling pirated CDs DVDs and “mysterious” cellphones under his area of jurisdiction?

According to my bubwit, it is seemingly true, for in fact, reports keep on reaching him of the negative attitude of this bocap- in-charge. An example is an incident where a person complained to a seller about the cellphone he bought. But the vendor, instead of explaining, shouted at the complaining buyer that resulted to fistfight and accordingly, his fellow vendors came and helped in mauling the poor guy.

Worst, the said OIC who was supposed to pacify and apprehend the attackers, he being a top official of the barangay did not lift a finger and tolerated the acts of his fellow Muslims.
Attention councilor Joel Alangsab, Baguio City ABC president and the barangay affairs office, could you please investigate this reported matter of concern?
Many are complaining of the recent re-routing of public utility jeepneys plying Aurora Hill and Trancoville. Most affected were students and teachers of University of the Cordilleras, University of the Philippines, and Baguio National High School, Likewise commuters bound for Bonifacio Street, Leonard Wood, SM, NBI, DSWD, BIR, etc.

While it is true that the local Government is doing every means to improve our traffic situation, it is a disgust to note that it is going for the worst instead. I pity those students walking far to reach their respective schools because of this nonsense rerouting again.

When will our intelligent officials stop doing experiments to ease the traffic problem kuno? Hay, it makes everyones blood to boil and worst, pity the drivers who are made to pay the penalty for not following the new rerouting scheme! Dyan sila magagaling, ang manghuli sa mga hindi nakakaalam sa kanilang ginawang kapalpakan! Whew! How much? Err.. I mean, how much did they collect from those drivers?!


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