‘Shame campaign’ vs dirtiest barangays set

>> Monday, August 16, 2010

By Dexter A. See

BAGUIO CITY – Aside from giving citations to barangays who cooperate in the city’s clean and green efforts, the city government here will also give shame awards to barangays who continuously refuse to keep their areas of jurisdiction clean as well as educate local residents to observe cleanliness to help ensure health living conditions and preserve and protect the state of the environment.

Mayor Mauricio G. Domogan revived the Alay sa Kalinisan, a government-led and private-sector-supported special committee tasked to oversee the city’s clean and green efforts, in order to instill awareness among the people on cleanliness in the 128 barangays.

The local government launched the search for cleanest and greenest barangays in order to empower barangay officials and their constituents to do their respective activities in sustaining long-term clean and green programs to prevent them from being in clouded in the list of dirtiest barangays, a shame of the award.

Among the mandatory activities to be conducted by the barangays include consistent clean-up campaign, massive tree planting and maintenance activities, proper solid waste management and beautification through the provision of various ornamental plants along roads coupled with landscaping activities.

In 1995 to 1997, Baguio City was adjudged as the cleanest and greenest highly urbanized city for three consecutive times that eventually led to the city being conferred the Hall of Fame award in the said search garnering a total cash award of at least P5 million.

Despite the rapid increase in population and the volume of vehicles plying the city’s streets, Domogan said cleanliness of the city could be achieved through proper discipline among local residents and tourists so that they will be able to observe proper waste disposal as well as be involved in sustaining the city’s cool and romantic weather, pine-scented air and scenic spots which is its major asset in attracting the influx of foreign and domestic tourists.

According to him, the solutions to the current garbage problem of the city is slowly being addressed while awaiting the arrival of the two multi-million Japanese-made treatment facilities which is capable of composting at least 46 tons of biodegradable waste into useful fertilizer in a short span of time, thus, the expensive hauling of waste to Capas, Tarlac that has eaten a huge part of the city’s budget will be minimized or total scrapped.

Domogan said the local government cannot solve the city’s garbage problem alone but the cooperation and participation of the people to the prescribed solutions so that significant changes could be realized the soonest for the benefit of a better living environment beneficial to the present and future generations of citizens wanting to make the city their permanent residence.

In solving the city’s garbage woes, the local chief executive claimed its effect will be considered to be inter-connected since air, water and land pollution will be properly addressed thereby giving a chance to sustain its efforts to bring back its cleanliness.


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