Mt Prov chosen one of best drug councils in Phl

>> Monday, December 23, 2019

By Erwin Batnag 

BONTOC, Mountain Province -- The Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council (PADAC) of Mountain Province was awarded as among the best in the country after garnering a perfect rating of 100 percent for 2018. 
The only province in the Cordillera Administrative Region to be given the citation, the rating was categorized as ideal by the National Audit Team led by the Dept. of Interior and Local Government.
Other members of the team were from the Philippine National Police, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and civil society organizations. 
The search aimed to rate the 81 provincial, 145 city and 1,489 municipal anti-drug abuse councils in the country on their competence.  
All local ADACs with perfect functionality point score will be qualified for the award. 
             The rating of each ADAC is based on the following criteria: organized local ADAC, conduct of quarterly meetings, allocation of funds for anti-drug activities as indicated in the peace and order and public safety plan, implementation of plan and programs and support for component ADACs; and innovation.
Mountain Province got perfect scores in all areas. 
The award was received by Gov. Bonifacio C. Lacwasan, Jr, provincial DILG director Anthony Ballug, PADAC focal person Angel Baybay and provincial information officer Novy Afidchao in awarding ceremonies at Manila Hotel Monday.
Joining the group were members of the PADAC secretariat.
DILG Sec. Eduardo Ano and Dangerous Drugs Board Secretary Catalino Uy presented the award.
Aside from Mountain Province, the municipalities of Tineg (Abra),  Bauko (Mountain Province and Barlig (Mountain Province) also were given the same citation for an ideal ADAC.
The mayors of the said towns received the award.
The latest PADAC award added another feather for Mountain Province. Last month, the Provincial Accounting Office was adjudged one of best performing provincial accounting offices nationwide.
The Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council was also honored as second best in the country during national awarding ceremony earlier this month.  
Gov. Lacwasan said the awards proved that even when he is not physically present at his office because of many official travels outside the province, the employees could work on their own.
"This only emphasizes the professionalism of provincial employees and proves that we are now working as a team. I just hope and pray that we could sustain what we started.”


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