Hedcor aids distance learning in La Trinidad

>> Friday, September 18, 2020

                   SUPPORTING DISTANCE LEARNING – Hedcor employees distribute learning materials from the power firm in La                                                 Trinidad, Benguet schools to boost distance learning in time with the shift of the academic year. -- Estefany Mae Tawagon 

By Estefany Mae Tawagon

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet -- Hedcor distributed P150,000 worth of school supplies to schools in this capital town of Benguet to aid students and teachers in distance learning-- the new mode of education.
           The power firm did this in time for the opening of classes to support recipients in time for the opening of classes.
          Bineng Elementary School, Bodiweng Elementary School and Bineng National High School received the school supplies from Hedcor wherein a bulk were bond papers for printing of self-learning modules (SLMs) and envelopes. 
          “Education in the new normal is not only through online classes. The SLMs are aligned to the learning competencies that can surely cater to the needs of our students. Production of these SLMs is costly and the donation of Hedcor will surely ensure the continuous learning of our students,” said Grace Calatab, principal of BES. 
           Arron Andawi, Hedcor’s external relations supervisor said, “Education has not been spared from the pandemic and that it is a collaborative effort of all sectors with Hedcor in full support to ensure that the learning of our students will be catered amidst this crisis.” 
          In a press statement, Hedcor said it had “always been dedicated in providing sufficient and comfortable learning venues, making it the community’s partner to quality education and children’s well-being. It allows every community a chance to achieve their dreams and pay forward to their towns in the future.” 
       Strict precautionary measures as mandated by the government and that of Hedcor’s were strictly enforced during the distribution. 
           Hedcor, a run-of-river hydropower arm of AboitizPower, operates 22 plants across the country, 11 of which are in Luzon.
          Hedcor currently has a total installed capacity of 227.36 MW of Cleanergy, AboitizPower’s brand for clean and renewable energy.



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