Asin hot spring contract to expire in three months

>> Thursday, February 24, 2022

BAGUIO CITY -- The City General Services Office said the three-year contract entered by the local government with a private company for the short-term operation of the Asin hot spring complex will expire in three months.
    City General Services Officer Eugene Buyucan said the company and the city’s local finance committee had already been informed on the upcoming expiration of the short-term lease contract that is why it will be up to the said committee to ascertain on what will be the next step that will be undertaken for the further improvement of the city-owned property and to maximize its potentials as a source of revenue for the local government.
    He claimed that despite having been heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the lessee was able to timely settle its obligations with the local government aside from being able to introduce minor improvements within the property to entice people to use the available amenities.
     Buyucan said if the local government will not be  able to come out with a decision on what to do with the Asin hot spring contract once the contract will expire, the company might be requested to operate the same on a hold over capacity until such time the city will be able to ascertain on what to do with the property to contribute in generating additional revenue for the local government.
    Earlier, City Budget Officer Leticia O. Cemente claimed the local finance committee will be deliberating on the said matter to ascertain best option to maximize potentials of the property in generating added revenues for the city that will be used to enhance the delivery of quality basic services and sustain the implementation of development projects that are beneficial to the greater majority of the populace.
    According to her, the committee will be studying the possibility of offering the city-owned property for a long-term public-private partnership based on the city’s existing public-private partnership for the people ordinance or for the city to continue operating the same with minimal improvements until such time that the situation gets better to be able to entice interested private companies to participate in the said scheme of developing the property.
    The city budget officer said the company which is currently managing operations of the Asin hot spring complex is aware of the short-term lease that it entered with the city that is why the same was able to implement minor improvements in its facilities to sustain its viability as a resort while maintaining the quality of services for those wanting to spend a well deserve break.
    The city government under then Mayor Mauricio Domogan took over the property from the previous lessee and immediately offered the same for a short-term lease in 2019 so there will be continuous operation of the resort while awaiting the final decision of the local government on what to do with the property in the future.
    The Asin complex is located within Tuba, Benguet.
    The city government acquired the same from its previous owner and that the city is perfecting its ownership of the property with the Tuba municipal government over the past several years. – Dexter A. See


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