Budget talks on; Cordillera execs prepare for devolution

>> Wednesday, February 16, 2022

By Virginia L. Anceno

BAGUIO CITY -- The fiscal year 2023 budget review and consultations for regional line agencies (RLAs) and State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) kicked off here Feb. 3 in regional budget forum conducted by Dept. of Budget and Management Cordillera.
    In attendance were heads of agencies and SUCs, budget officers, accountants and other technical staff from the RLAs and SUCs.
    Regional development and budget coordination committee chairperson and DBM-CAR regional director Irene Gahid said the Regional Development Council will review  programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) under Tier 2 or the new and expansion PPAs to be funded by the national government, public-private partnership (PPP) and official development assistance (ODA) funds.
     Keycie Alejandro of DBM-CAR said Tier 2 PPAs are reviewed for alignment along with Public Investment Program/Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP), capital outlays for infrastructure projects in the Three-Year Rolling Infrastructure Program (TRIP) 2023-2025, and essential operations and maintenance for technical assistance programs to local government units, as a result of the devolution of functions to LGUs due to the Mandanas-Garcia ruling.
    Israel Baguilat of DBM-CAR said with devolution of functions to LGUs, the national government shall focus on capacity development, monitoring and performance assessment of LGUs, and policy and standards development for service delivery. 
    However, transition period will see NG still assisting 5th to 6th income class LGUs. The full devolution of functions will be in 2024.
    In addition, Tier 2 PPAs are evaluated in terms of development goals and needs of the region. 
    Jose Dado of National Economic Development-CAR’s Project Development, Investment Programming and Budgeting Division (PDIPBD), and Cherry Dionisio of PSA-CAR, presented the regional development investment program (RDIP) and sustainable development Goals (SDG) accomplishments, respectively. 
    These provide a guide for the RLAs and SUCs in the formulation of their budget proposals to support regional development goals and objectives.
    On addressing regional opportunities and needs, concerned agencies and SUCs are expected to consult their respective development partners, namely, the LGUs, civil society organizations, student/faculty associations, board of regents, and other stakeholders. 
    These consultations are to be held before budget deliberations on Feb. 21-24, 2022 which are to be conducted through a hybrid platform.
    Gahid told participants the RDBCC has issued regional budget memorandum 1, series of 2022, which contains regional guidelines and procedures in the presentation of the 2023 budget proposals.
    The RDBCC is a support committee of the Cordillera RDCl chaired by DBM-CAR regional director Irene Gahid and co-chaired by NEDA-CAR regional director Susan Sumbeling.


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