Ifugao heirloom rice biz up with DA-PRDP support

>> Friday, February 25, 2022

By Elvy T. Estacio

BANAUE, Ifugao -- Full operation of the enhanced heirloom rice processing business of the Rice Terraces Farmers’ Cooperative (RTFC) here is now in full swing with completion and turnover of their enterprise subproject on the processing and marketing of quality export Ifugao heirloom rice Feb. 11 here at  Barangay Amganad.
    The newly constructed Ifugao Heirloom Rice Consolidation, Processing and Marketing Center along with a trading capital and several processing machineries were turned over to the RTFC as part of their enterprise.
    During turnover ceremony, Ifugao Sangguniang Panlalawigan member Agustin C. Calya-en, representing Ifugao Gov. Jerry U. Dalipog, commended RTFC and everyone involved, for compliance to requirements of the DA-PRDP.
    “We have been beneficiaries of several foreign-funded projects in the past, so we know that the requirements are not easy especially for the LGU,” Calya-en said.
    The RTFC subproject aims to improve socio-economic status of farmer-members while empowering the heirloom rice industry.
    Through the enterprise, RTFC intends to increase total heirloom rice production from its farmer-members from 42,930 kilograms to 220,000 kilograms in the span of 10 years; increase farmer income by 5% on the first year; increase income of the cooperative by 100% until the 10th year; increase RTFC members by at least 2% every year; and create employment.
The RTFC received PP12.49 million as enterprise support from the DA-PRDP, shared by the World Bank (60%), DA (20%) and Ifugao Provincial Local Government (20%).
    As proponent group, the RTFC contributed a 20% counterpart in cash and in kind, amounting to PhP2.18 million.
DA-CAR regional technical director lawyer Jennilyn M. Dawayan, representing DA-CAR regional executive director and RPCO-CAR project director Cameron P. Odsey, urged RTFC members and officers to sustain production of heirloom rice and culture behind it.
    Dawayan added  the cooperative has learned to become more data-driven, which can be beneficial in terms of how they are going to operate the center.
    DA-PRDP Project Support Office North Luzon Cluster deputy project director Elma S. Mananes said along with upgrades, income of farmers must also be prioritized in order for more beneficiaries.
    As he accepted the completed subproject on behalf of the members and officers of the RTFC, RTFC manager Jimmy G. Lingayo recalled how it took years to finally complete the project, from a series of business plan preparation workshops, going through the procurement process, two site relocations, and up to the construction of the processing facility.
    “We started the export business 10 years ago and we plan to export a total of 450 metric tons of heirloom rice to the US and another 200 MT for the local market,” Lingayo added.
    He urged RTFC members to bring their heirloom rice produce to the RTFC, and encourage other farmers to increase and sustain their production.
    During the turnover, attendees toured the 3-storey processing center that will be used to process, store, and market the heirloom rice produce of the RTFC.
    According to Lingayo, the top floor (road level) will serve as a Pasalubong Center, where several local products produced by RTFC members such as heirloom rice, rice wine, rice cookies, coffee, ginger and turmeric tea, and some kitchen woodworks will be sold.
    Among the Cordillera provinces, Ifugao has the largest area planted with heirloom rice varieties at 5,141 hectares.             Additionally, Ifugao is the top producer of aromatic and pigmented rice with the municipalities of Mayoyao, Banaue,     Hungduan, and Aguinaldo as the top producing areas.
    Under the DA-PRDP, several farm-to-market road (FMR) subprojects are also being implemented in Ifugao to support the heirloom rice industry.
    Subprojects include the improvement of Viewpoint-San Fernando FMR in Banaue which is now at a 95.26% physical accomplishment rate, the Junction-Alimit-Nattum FMR improvement in Mayoyao, which is at a 97.6% completion rate, and the construction of Anaba-Ducligan-Banao FMR in Banaue currently at an 84.6% completion rate. Aside from these road projects, several Communal Irrigation System (CIS) subprojects were also completed in the previous years.
Heirloom rice is among the priority commodities in Ifugao that is supported under the DA-PRDP including coffee and highland vegetables.


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