Tourism in 5 Kalinga towns still suspended

>> Wednesday, February 16, 2022

By Vince Jacob Visaya

TABUK CITY, Kalinga -- The Kalinga provincial government has not lifted the suspension of leisure and tourism activities in the upland towns of Tinglayan, Balbalan, Lubuagan, Pasil and Pinukpuk due to the continuing threat of Covid-19.
    Tabuk City and Tanudan town, however, have been opened to fully vaccinated tourists provided that the tourist spots would observe the 50-percent capacity for outdoors and 30-percent capacity for indoors. In Tinglayan town, municipal administrator Noel Macaiba said leisure and tourism activities especially in upland Buscalan village "would remain suspended until lifted."
    Kalinga province has been downgraded from epidemic risk to moderate risk on Wednesday with 32 new positive cases and 469 active cases. The province is still classified under Alert Level 3.


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