Benguet execs OK power plants

>> Monday, August 23, 2010

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet — The provincial government disclosed town officials are supportive of run-of-river micro power corporations because they do not destroy the environment and encourages community participation in the establishment of renewable sources of energy in the countryside.

Benguet Gov. Nestor B. Fongwan said river electric production will not just generate jobs in the different parts of the province but will result to protection of the environment considering that power plant operators will have to enhance the forest cover of their respective areas of operation to guarantee abundant water supply for power generation.

The governor’s pronouncement is in accordance to the Philippine Energy Plan that previously identified the Cordillera as a potential source of renewable energy.

But Fongwan said local governments and host communities where such capital investments in power generation are being proposed should be given support and encouragement so villagers will realize benefits of hosting such kind of power plants.

According to the governor, the infusion of capital investments in host communities should be treated as a welcome development since it will result to employment opportunities, livelihood and income, thus, investors should not be given a hard time in developing the rich resource of their places.

Compared to small-scale mining activities in some parts of the province, Fongwan claimed that run-of-river power production is better because it does not ravage the environment.

The local chief executive said renewable energy will significantly develop and maintain the forest because the generators will not have the water to produce energy if they do not have the trees around their power plants.


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