Taxi driver who killed, dumped woman hunted

>> Monday, August 16, 2010

TUBA, Benguet – Warning females! Always text or report the plate number and color of the taxi you are riding in or you would suffer the fate of a young woman who was found dumped here on a culvert at a roadside along Klonkykes, Camp 1 last week.

Police are still trying to identify the taxi driver who was alleged to have strangled the victim identified by Tuba police Chief Insp. Domingo Yaco Pulic, as Ruby Galian Cagas, 24, single, 2nd year college student taking up Hotel and Restaurant Services at the Philippine Women's University in Baguio City.

Cagas was a native of Pungayan, Kapangan,Benguet and resident of Maria Basa, Pacdal, Baguio.

The victim was also identified by her sister Abigail, 19 and her aunt Annie Lorie Cagas Banglot, 37 at La Paz Funeral Homes in Baguio.

An interview with Dewey Mark Kios y Gayman, 20, single, student and
resident of Km. 4, La Trinidad, Benguet revealed they had a drinking spree
with the victim together with a certain Sergie at about 2 p.m. on Aug. 5 at the Dragon's Den located at Lower Session Rd, Baguio City.

They later transferred their drinking spree at Camp Dangwa in La Trinidad, same day.

At about 11:15 p.m. of Aug. 5, Ruby and Dewey went out and while at Km. 5, La Trinidad, the former flagged down a white FX taxi to take her to Maria Basa, Baguio.

Dewey however did not notice the plate number and the name of the said FX Taxi which the victim rode.

He added Ruby was not much intoxicated at the time she road the taxi.

Further interview with May Margaret Daluyen y Partosa, 17, single, student and a board mate of Ruby disclosed, that the latter called her up at about 11:20 p.m. on Aug. 5, 2010 informing her that she was riding a taxi proceeding to their boarding house.

Daluyen waited until 1 a.m. on Aug. 6, for Ruby but she didn’t arrive. She then tried to contact her but her cell phone was unattended. She then texted Abigail Cagas, the sister of Ruby but was informed that the latter did not go home to her boarding house at La Trinidad.

They tried to look for her until Aug. 8, and about 9:30 a.m., when they went to Sub Station 3 of Barangay Pacdal in Baguio, they were informed that a female cadaver was found.

There, they positively identified the cadaver as Ruby who was missing since 11:15 p.m. of Aug. 5, 2010.

Autopsy result identified that the cause of death as strangulation.

The body was earlier discovered around 9:30 a.m. on Aug. 7 by a certain Galileo Aluyen, 60, farmer and resident of Saytan, La Union, while he was about to urinate.

Witnesses described the body as between 20 to 30 years old, about 5'2" to 5'4" tall, with stretch mark on her stomach,

The victim had tooth braces, pearl earrings, green pendant on her right middle finger, wearing black wrist watch on her left wrist, wearing blue maong pants, white t-shirt, white sweatshirt with pink tender bell silhouette, and rubber shoes.

Ruby’s body, which had shoulder length hair, with tattoo similar to Magdalo logo on her nape, was brought at La Paz Funeral Homes.


Anonymous August 21, 2010 at 12:15 PM  

We pray for her soul and strength for her remaing family and we hope really the immediate legal action of the authority concern for this inhumane BAGUIO TAXI DRIVER's act.

Anonymous August 21, 2010 at 2:45 PM  

Join me pray for this young lady's soul and for the strength of her remaning love ones. We hope for an immediate actions of the concern authorities to have this inhumane act of a certain BAGUIO FX-TAXI DRIVER be solved.

Anonymous September 13, 2010 at 10:01 AM  

we can't pray for her soul's all in God's hands..all we can do is pray for the girl's family and also the culprit's soul that they may find a way to settle things it a way that God would have wanted it to be settled.. not for revenge or for ease of mind but for the betterment of mankind as a whole..stop hatred and revenge, give love and forgiveness a louder voice.

Anonymous September 20, 2010 at 12:29 AM  

There used to be a check point at some areas in town to check every taxi driver that passes by, but i think that was about a burglary. Why not do the same today to narrow down any possibility of this ever happening again? And it would be better for the city to put up these check points at places where these crimes have usually been taking place instead of putting it at a rotonda only. Also, there have been new taxi drivers that are clearly not around from baguio since these kinds of crime started happening more frequently. Maybe somebody should check on that as well.

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