Kalinga farmers to Congress: Amend rice tariffication law

>> Monday, October 21, 2019

CITY OF TABUK, Kalinga -- Farmers in this city urged Congress to amend Republic Act 11203 or the Rice Tarrification Law claiming  it is not helping the sector,  rather it   is causing loss of  their income from rice farming. 
Co-initiated by cooperative and the religious sector, the group in a forum passed resolution urging members of Congress to amend the law to incorporate remedies allowed by the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The farmers said aside from losing income is the domino effect on the economy of the city. Palay farmgate price is expected to sink further upon entry of more rice import. The inflow of rice imports did not significantly bring down market price of rice, they averred.
The sector said their interest was not considered when the law was crafted.
The group is also asking Congress to incorporate the following provisions: Restoration of the powers and functions of the National Food Authority namely licensing of importers and other players, monitoring and supervision of the rice industry and price stabilization.
Restoration of the option available under WTO Rules and the Safeguards Measures Act (RA 8800) to temporarily reintroduces  quantitative restriction when serious injury is inflicted on the farming sector,  and mandating farmer representation in the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund steering committee.
           The Kapehan body composed of heads of offices in the province  is  supporting  the  move for amendment in order to sustain and save the province being the    “Rice Granary of the Cordilleras”. (JDP/PAB-PIA CAR, Kalinga)


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