SNAP-Magat cites host towns for support to projects

>> Thursday, December 19, 2019

LAMUT, Ifugao -- Host communities of SN Aboitiz Power – Magat (SNAP-Magat) in the province were cited  for the support toward the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs particularly for their conformance to the CSR 2.0 principles, activity engagement and exemplary watershed management.  
The municipality of Lamut was honored as the most CSR 2.0- compliant for their project construction of open shed for hog trading at animal trading post.
The town of Aguinaldo was recognized as the most engaged stakeholder while Lagawe received a special recognition in watershed management.
Various awards were also conferred to the province of Nueva Vizcaya; barangay Butao of Diadi, Nueva Vizcaya and barangay General Aguinaldo, Ramon, Isabela.
Said commendations were given during the annual host community forum held at Santiago City, Isabela attended by host local government units and indigenous peoples’ organizations from Ifugao, Isabela, and Nueva Vizcaya recently. Said forum is an annual event held by SNAP to update its community-based stakeholders on the company’s operations and initiatives, and facilitate their participation in improving its CSR program.
SNAP-Magat president and chief executive officer (CEO) Joseph Yu reiterated the company’s promise to continue “powering positive change” through its corporate social responsibility program. Since 2008, the company has undertaken various projects worth around P259 million for the provinces of Ifugao, Isabela, and Nueva Vizcaya. These projects have developed community-initiated infrastructure, education, livelihood, indigenous culture, governance, health, and the environment. 
Ifugao Vice Gov. welcomed the entry of SNAP in Ifugao, thanking the renewable energy company for investing in the province.
 “You are not only after your income but also what you can give back to our people. CSR is one way of cementing the trust of the Ifugao people,” he said.  


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