Abra cops help bring water to two villages

>> Wednesday, February 16, 2022

MANABO, Abra – Police helped in two projects to bring water to two villages here.
    A request for assistance from residents of Barangay San Jose Norte here was granted by 2nd Abra Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC).
    A regional police information office report said barangay officials of San Jose Norte were planning to repair an abandoned dam in Iknim River in Manabo.
    The local government provided funds for materials but they lacked manpower for the restoration project.
    This made residents seek assistance of the PMFC and police officers positively responded.
    “In the spirit of the “Binnadang” culture of the Cordillerans, the police officers together with barangay officials and residents of the said barangay worked together in restoring the abandoned dam,” the police report said.
In a day, they controlled the water flow and now the dam is supplying water to rice fields in San Jose Norte and adjacent barangays.
    Meanwhile, in the remote barangay of Villaviciosa, a concrete 3x3 meters water tank was officially turned over to residents of BarangayTamac.
    The project was the result of consultations of the PMFC and Regional Mobile Force Company 15 (RMFB15) with the residents of the barangay.
    The construction of the project sarted in November 2021 using the ELCAC fund of RMFB15 and Abra PMFC.
    With its completion in January 2022, the water tank will be the source of water for 160 households in Barangay Tamac.


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