Baguio mayor, BWD warn warn water bizmen on 'abuses'

>> Saturday, April 8, 2023

By Aileen P. Refuerzo
BAGUIO CITY -- Mayor Benjamin Magalong and Baguio Water District (BWD) General Manager Salvador Royeca jointly called on owners of private deepwells and water delivery businesses against “abuses” like over-pumping and doing abusive practices that harm the city's water table.
    The two officials made the call in a meeting March 27 to address the water crisis currently experienced in the city and its prognosis in the light that the summer season had barely started.
    One concern discussed was the practice of some private deep well owners to over extract their water sources for profit.
    "It is sad that there are people who think only of their business and what they can earn without any regard to what they are doing to the environment.  Please be warned that overpumping and other activities that harm the environment are against the law," Magalong said.
    The mayor and the BWD head will again meet with the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) to request for intensified regulation and monitoring of the operations of the registered water supply businesses.
    They will at the same time again ask the board to address the proliferation of illegal deep wells which is one of the identified causes of the declining yield of the city’s water sources as these deplete the recharge areas of the city’s underground water sources resulting to the decline in pumping water levels.
    In 2021, the city listed a total of 210 permitted water companies drawing from the city’s underground aquifers while the number of those that do not have permit was still not determined.
    The mayor said the crisis is real based on the numerous complaints received at the city's level.  "And this is concerning considering that we are just at the beginning of summer," he said.
    Royeca said BWD adopted measures like augmenting supply for the affected areas particularly the elevated ones by tapping existing sources with excess in yield and by streamlining water supply schedules to ensure continuous supply.
    He said long-term solutions continue to be pursued like exploration works and drilling of more wells.
    Both officials also urged the public to help conserve water in their homes, offices and establishment.
    The BWD has a total of 46,726 active connections being supplied by its 77 pumping stations, 63 deepwells, 4 open/spring sources and 2 rainwater harvesting facilities.



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