Man shot dead by drinking buddies

>> Monday, August 23, 2010

LAGAYAN, Abra -- Two men are now being hunted by police after they allegedly shot dead Tuesday night their drinking partner inside the victim’s house here at Sitio Sagotsot, Barangay Bai.

Police said immediately after the incident, joint police personnel of Task Force Abra, and Lagayan led by Supt. David Mariano proceeded to the scene and recovered the lifeless body of Marcelino Boling.

The suspects were identified only as Ka Pettew and Ka Soggip.

Lagayan police inestigation showed both the victim and suspects had a drinking spree at the victim’s residence, when a misunderstanding took place which led to the shooting incident.

According to the witness as quoted by the police, a certain Rosalina Martinez left the victim and suspects drinking.

After a few minutes when she returned back to the house, she saw the victim lying flat bloodied with gunshot wounds.

The weapon used was an M16 rifle. Three spent shells were recovered at the crime scene.

The police are now conducting manhunt operation to arrest the suspects who fled towards Barangay Caganayan, Tineg in the province.


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