Ifugao lady lawyer is GSP National Young Achievers awardee

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2015

LAGAWE, Ifugao --  A member of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines Ifugao council was an awardee of the 75 GSP National Young Achievers.

Lawyer Karen Joy N. Salvador Kalaw, GSP Ifugao’s committee chairman on legal was one of 19 qualified nominees from Northern Luzon

Awarding was held May 26 at the Pilar Lim Auditorium, GSP national headquarters, Manila during the 75th anniversary celebration of GSP.

The awardees received congratulatory letter signed by the President, plaque of recognition and souvenir book.

The Ifugao GSP council nominated Kalaw for her volunteerism in GSP activities and being an active member of the council.

The 75 GSP National Young Achievers Awards aimed to recognize former and active girl scouts for notable achievements within and outside the GSP movement and effort to contribute positively to social, economic, environmental, and cultural development of their communities and the country. -- KinjeteAnongos


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