3 more Kalinga centenarians get P100K cash each

>> Monday, July 12, 2021

By Peter A. Balocnit

CITY OF TABUK, Kalinga -- Three more centenarians from this province received cash grants from the Dept. of Social Welfare and Development this month. Tabuk City centenarians Ganggang Tiwang Macad who was born on January 1, 1920; Andres Tangkiya Wansi, 101 years old and Catalina Dauping Gebgeban whi is 102 years old, each received P100,000 cash from DSWD.
    Wansi and Gebgeban also received each P50,000.00 incentive from Tabuk City local government.
    The granting of a centenarian gift of P100,000.00  and letter of felicitation from the President of the Philippines to all  Filipinos who reach the age of 100 years old, whether residing in the Philippines or abroad,  is provided under the  Centenarians Act of 2016.
    Some local government units also honor their centenarians by awarding a plaque of recognition and a cash incentive.
    The families of Wansi and Gebgeban said cash incentives will be used for their patriarchs’ daily needs, medicines, vitamins and food, among others.
    The children and grandchildren of these centenarians bared secret to their grandfathers' longevity was consumption of organic foods and sweet potatoes.
    Macad said he will use part of his cash incentive to help in  the educational needs of his grandchildren.


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